Gracemere Cattle Numbers 02/08/2023

Gracemere Cattle Sale
Wednesday 02nd August 2023
2,840 Cattle Booked

Comprising of:

1556 Steers
836 Heifers
380 Cows
64 Cows & Calves
4 Bulls

The following lines will be on offer:                           

Ex Calliope 23 No.2 Brahman/Angus Cross Steers Ex Garnant 8 No.1 Brahman Heifers (Breeder Quality)
Ex Marlborough 374 No.3 Brahman Weaner Steers Ex Marlborough 55 No.2 Brahman Feeder Heifers
Ex St Lawrence 120 No.3 Grey Brahman Weaner Steers Ex Goovigen 25 No.2 Brangus/Senepol Cross Feeder Heifers
Ex Rosedale 80 No.3 Simbrah & Red Brahman Weaner Steers Ex Marlborough 159 No.3 Brahman Weaner Heifers
Ex Calliope 70 No.3 Brahman/Brahman Cross Weaner Steers Ex Calliope 30 No.3 Brahman Cross Weaner Heifers
Ex Bajool 60 No.3 Crossbred Weaner Steers Ex Ubobo 25 No.3 Charbray Weaner Heifers
Ex Sarina 35 No.3 Brangus/Simmental Cross Weaner Steers Ex Goovigen 20 No.3 Brangus Feeder Heifers
Ex Canoona 20 No.3 Santa Gertrudis Cross Steers Ex Miriam Vale 16 No.3 Brangus Weaner Heifers (EU)
Ex Calliope 10 No.3 Brahman/Romagnola Cross Weaner Steers  
Ex Keppel 80 No.2 Crossbred M/S Light Feeders Ex Marlborough 34 Brahman Cross Charbray Cows and Calf
Ex Duaringa 80 No.3 Brahman Cross M/S Weaners Ex Theodore 12 Red Brahman Cows PTIC
Ex Moura 80 No.3 Brahman M/S Weaners (EU, Grasslands)  
Ex Marlborough 60 No.3 Brahman M/S Weaners #Please note: These numbers are subject to change without notice. Your attendance is greatly appreciated#


Ex Duaringa 40 No.3 Shorthorn & Brahman Cross M/S Weaners
Ex Boyne Valley 20 No.3 Brangus Cross M/S Weaners
Ex Blue Mountain 60 No.3 Simmental Cross M/S Weaners

 Further bookings are being accepted. Please contact either, Joel – 0417 213 777, Liam – 0428 213 555, John – 0428 779 044 or Brian – 0417 667 668.

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