Gracemere Cattle numbers 05/06/2024

Gracemere Cattle Sale
Wednesday 5th June 2024
1,200 Cattle Booked

Comprising of:

458 Steers
445 Heifers
280 Cows
11 Cows & Calves
6 Bulls

The following lines will be on offer:                         

Ex Charters Towers 10 No.1 Brahman Bullocks (PRIME) Ex Bloomsbury 42 No.3 Brangus/Droughtmaster Cross M/S
Ex Wycarbah 20 No.3 Droughtmaster Steers Ex Rannes 70 No.4 Brahman Cross M/S Weaners
Ex Bajool 20 Brangus Bullocks (PRIME)  
Ex Duaringa 90 Brahman Cows Ex Charters Towers 93 No.3 Grey Brahman Heifers
Ex Calliope 10 Brahman Cross Cows (PRIME) Ex Bajool 20 Brangus Heifers (PRIME)
Ex Boynedale 60 Droughtmaster Cross Cows Ex Kabra 23 No.4 Droughtmaster Cross Heifers
Ex Bajool 20 Brangus cows (PRIME)  
Ex Nankin 6×6 Brahman Cows with Speckle Calves  

#Please note: These numbers are subject to change without notice. Your attendance is greatly appreciated#

Further bookings are being accepted. Please contact either, Joel – 0417 213 777, John – 0428 779 044 or Brian – 0417 667 668.

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