Gracemere Market Report 8/05/2024


The Gracemere Combined Agents yarded a total of 2,553 head this week consisting of 1,671 Steers, 598 Heifers, 154 Cows, 116 Cows and Calves/PTIC & 14 Bulls. Prices strengthened compared to last week, with a greater level of consistency seen throughout. The ongoing Beef Week events strengthened the laneway activity, resulting in excellent attendance. The participation of buyers from a wider area in this week’s sale played a significant role in affecting the observed prices. Steers strengthened by 4c/kg overall but saw a decent jump in heavy feeder steers with an increase of 13c/kg. Similar trends were seen in the heifer market, with an average price jump of 41c/kg in the weaners and 29c/kg in the feeders. Both cow and cow & calf markets improved upon last week’s results. With 21c/kg average price increase in the cow market and increases up to $150 per unit seen in cows & calves. The bull market also improved slightly with a 15cent jump in average price.

  500-600kg 242 c/kg 298 c/kg 279 c/kg +13
400-500kg 180 c/kg 326 c/kg 283 c/kg -7
330-400kg 220 c/kg 330 c/kg 297 c/kg +15
280-330kg 180 c/kg 324 c/kg 298 c/kg +6
200-280kg 160 c/kg 392 c/kg 311 c/kg FIRM
Under 200kg 140 c/kg 392 c/kg 309 c/kg +14
COWS Slaughter 238 c/kg 246 c/kg 242 c/kg +35
  500-600kg 230 c/kg 242 c/kg 236 c/kg +25
400-500kg 176 c/kg 235 c/kg 216 c/kg +14
330-400kg 134 c/kg 186 c/kg 167 c/kg -17
Under 330kg NQ NQ NQ NQ
HEIFERS 500-600kg 190 c/kg 257 c/kg 237 c/kg FIRM
  400-500kg 235 c/kg 280 c/kg 260 c/kg +29
330-400kg 238 c/kg 290 c/kg 271 c/kg +49
280-330kg 205 c/kg 266 c/kg 238 c/kg +40
200-280kg 170 c/kg 266 c/kg 221 c/kg +6
Under 200kg 198 c/kg 220 c/kg 210 c/kg -20
PTIC COWS   $1,200/hd $1,375/hd $1,353/hd  
Cows & Calves $1,100/unit $1,450/unit $1,400/unit +149
BULLS Over 600kg 190 c/kg 232 c/kg 223 c/kg FIRM
  500-600kg NQ NQ NQ NQ
400-500kg 190 c/kg 218 c/kg 197 c/kg NQ


AL & SM Forrest, Yeppoon, Sold Droughtmaster Steers for 260c/kg weighing 529kg to return $1,376/hd

Riverside Pastoral Co, Nebo Sold a run of 778 Brahman/Brahman Cross Steers for 292c/kg weighing 501kg to return $1,465/hd

A & Y Nobbs, Alton Downs Sold Angus Steers for 318c/kg weighing 425kg to return $1,352/hd

JF & CA Ellrott, Nebo Sold Braford Steers for 330c/kg weighing 395kg to return $1,304/hd

Gracemere Spelling Farm, Sold Brangus Cross Steers for 296c/kg weighing 299kg to return $886/hd

L Mckinlay, Gogango Sold Brangus Cross Steers for 368c/kg weighing 271kgs to return $998/hd

D Weir, Marlborough Sold Simmental Cross Steers for 370c/kg weighing 263kg to return $975/hd

WT Ariens, Calliope Sold Droughtmaster Cross Steers for 342c/kg weighing 250kg to return $855/hd

J Polzin, Calliope Sold Droughtmaster Cross steers for 366c/kg weighing 230kg to return $843/hd

Mystro Grazing, Hampden Sold Brangus Steers for 392c/kg weighing 217kg to return $851/hd

E Beak, Calliope Sold Brahman Cows for 242c/kg weighing 525kg to return $1,271/hd

M & T Jacobsen, Jardine Sold Brahman Cross Cows for 237c/kg weighing 518kg to return $1,229/hd

Dahl & Co, Baralaba Sold Droughtmaster Cross Prime Heifers for 257c/kg weighing 557kg to return $1,432/hd

PJ & SA Walsh, Ridgelands Sold Droughtmaster Heifers for 262c/kg weighing 437kg to return $1,145/hd

G&L Ohl Sold Red Brahman Heifers for 266c/kg weighing 216kg to return $574/hd

Cairo Grazing, Clermont Sold No.3 Droughtmaster PTIC Heifers for $1,375/hd

Saim Pastoral, Nankin Sold Brahman Cows & Calves for $1,450/unit

T & T Smith, Bajool Sold Droughtmaster Bulls for 218c/kg weighing 839kg to return $1,829/hd

Next Gracemere Sale: 15th May, Commencing @ 8.30AM

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